I've held it in just about as long as I could stand it.
I would have taken out a billboard if I could have afforded it.
But being of humble stock and fearing the wrath of the subject mentioned below, I figured it is best to let other's say a few words on a job well done.
Perhaps one of my most prized masterfully crafted BabyCakes received an award recently. Not with out diligence and determination, fortitude and inspiration, some time, and of course a little help from some others that I will thank in advance here and now…
First and foremost Our Divine Inspirer-God, and a little nudge from Donnie, my dear friend Cindy, and all those who have been with me and mine through it all.
Sit back and please enjoy the next few paragraphs and some photos of a job worthy of being stuck to the front of the 'Fridge.
My Son, Nichols Robert Schields, Eagle Scout.
New Eagle Scout joins honored few
By Sharon E. Siegel
For the Gazette
Published: 4:06 PM - 04/20/12
Nicholas Robert Schields of Port Jervis recently became one of the few Boy Scouts who achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.
During an official Eagle Scout Court of Honor held at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, his leaders and others saluted Schields and challenged him to future greatness.
"I have the honor to give the Eagle Scout Charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting," said Ralph Cowell, Eagle mentor and Scout Committee leader. "Your position, as you well know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you are expected to exemplify in your daily life the high principles and values expressed in the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. You have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to your country, to your fellow Scouts, and mankind in general."
Only 4 percent of American Boy Scouts reach the rank of Eagle.
Schields, a member of Boy Scout Troop 173 for the past seven years, will graduate from Port Jervis High School in June and already has enlisted in the Air Force ROTC. He will begin college at Virginia Tech, where he plans to study in the field of communications.
Schields credits each of his leaders with inspiring him toward the rank of Eagle.
As a Scout, Schields earned more than the 21 badges required for the rank of Eagle as he worked his way through the ranks. Last year, he completed the final step by carrying out an official Eagle Project, planning and leading his troop in fixing 14 abandoned, broken bicycles for area youth.
In conjunction with the Port Jervis Police Department and Port Jervis Youth Center, Schields and his fellow Scouts and leaders restored and presented bikes to 14 area youngsters this past holiday season, as well as holiday food baskets, turkeys and gift cards for their families.
Schields praised his leaders and fellow Scouts, those who contributed financially to his project and all who assisted in helping his project succeed. Many were on hand to offer words of praise during the official ceremony.
PJFD Chief William Worden was among the community leaders who presented certificates and congratulatory remarks to Schields.
"On behalf of the men and women of the Port Jervis Police Department, we thank you for your model citizenship and service to our community," Worden said. "We are extremely impressed with your leadership ability in taking a pile of old bicycles, bringing them to life again and bringing smiles and happiness into the hearts of area youth."
Schields said he was touched by the outpouring of support and the special ceremony held in his honor, and says he was personally fulfilled during the official Board of Review held in February as a final step in the Eagle process. He credited his leaders, family and others for helping him to achieve this success, including Marion Rohner, Boy Scout Troop 173 leader Ralph Cowell, Scoutmaster Yvon Leroy, Juvenile Officer Stanley Buczek, and his parents.
His words of advice for others: "Persevere and don't procrastinate. It is well worth it."
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