Sunday, May 22, 2011
10:26 PM
Some people say "Practice Makes Perfect".
I think it's far too early for me to even think there is a possibility of saying my portrayal of baked goods is anywhere close to perfect.
Although it may taste perfectly palatable to those who taste it, to look at it is way left of perfect.
I guess I am my own worst critic, but nothing should be deemed perfect--really--NOT ANY ONE THING I might do!
When you decide perfect is 'IT', how can you ever take things to the next level or think that much farther outside of the box???
If anything in my life I did do were said to be perfect, I would have to say my kids are as close to creating perfect as I have ever gotten. Now, I am not saying they are perfect, but what I am saying is that they were both born by the blessing of God (who is perfection). Both were healthy and have been flourishing for the last almost 20 & 17 years (on June 8th & as of January 16th, respectively) . While they are great kids, they too have flaws and can be problematic from time to time. But again, I was blessed with 2 perfect babies.
And yes, I said she is going to be the BIG 2-0. Thank you God.
Saturday, another perfectly precious baby turned 17 and to celebrate her birthday, a perfect plan was hatched to include her friends, some of their moms & dads, and even her 92 year-young neighbor Jean. The evening started with a tour of "The Girls Room", "pimping out" her new wheels, and introducing us (the moms) to the girl's version of a donkey game and pinning tails on it & another rather tall octopus sort of contraption. Things we needn't discuss--EVER!
As a matter of fact, turning 17 has brought up some concerns. Not necessarily by the parent but by the child…She tells her mother that she thinks it's time she (Mom) should get a life. Not that she minds doing things with her and being the center of her mother's universe but she asks the question…."Mom, what will you do when I go away to college?" To which Mom replies, "Well, I guess I have 2 options. One is be the crazy cat lady or the other is to find a Latin lover."
Oh boy! Here we go!!!!!!!!
With the Rapture of the World looming on the horizon, we enjoyed the beautifully perfect blue sky for about 15 minutes and then with 6 o'clock quickly approaching, run for umbrellas to cover the poor grill master from the monsoon that ensued. 15 minutes later the weather decided to be kind to us and all the waterworks ceased. The burgers, and hotdogs along with the pasta salad and other accompaniments were yummy.
To top off the celebration there were several varieties of chocolate & peanut butter to be savored. Miss Ashe made a chocolate ice cream cake encased in peanut butter surrounded with white whipped cream. For flair she put a lovely 17 in the center and surrounded it with Reese's pieces. Oh it was for sure perfect delicious. KC made chocolate/peanut butter brownies for a later snack, and I added my version of Reese's Peanut Butter Surprise BabyCakes to the collection along with a two layered decadent Chocolate Cake, Peanut Butter Frosting center with peanut butter and chocolate chips, covered with even more Peanut Butter Frosting. But I couldn’t stop there…I slathered it with Chocolate Ganache. It read "Happy Birthday Courtney" in her favorite color--yellow. I was very proud of the way it turned out and was happy for the reviews it got.
Millie loved it and also tried one of the Reese's Surprise BabyCakes. As she cut into it with her fork, she realized it was not called a 'surprise' for nothing. She discovered the hidden Reese's cup inside…Needless to say she was basically speechless . She let out a mmmmm sound……….and then she let it be known that she thought the BabyCake was perhaps going to outshine any Latin lover. I suppose this is purely subjective. I have no idea how many if any Latin lovers she has had, but I do know she has had a Reese's Peanut Butter Surprise BabyCake, (should I do some renaming?) aka a "To Die For or U4EA" BabyCake.
I think I will just give her a perfectly simple--Thank You, Millie.
Until the next episode, TTFN.
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